I wrote custom rules action to get a list of active simplenews subscribers, but I can not process it with "loop" cycle. Action should get list of active simplenews subscribers ("entity_fetched" array). Then I pass it to "loop" for processing (and to get "list-item" variable) and there are no errors. But when I try to set status message (add action - system - set message) with "list-item:uid", system says: "Data selector list-item:uid for parameter message is invalid". More, I can not select "list-item" token at all. I think, there are some mistakes when the code returns "entity_fetched" array. There is my code:
function custom_simplenews_rules_rules_action_info() {
$actions = array(
'custom_simplenews_rules_actions_get_subscribers' => array(
'label' => t('Get subscribers by Simplenews Newsletters category'),
'group' => t('Custom'),
'parameter' => array(
'category' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => t('Category'),
'options list' => 'custom_simplenews_rules_options_list',
'description' => t('Specify category to select users from'),
'provides' => array(
'entity_fetched' => array('type' => 'list', 'label' => t('Fetched entity')),
return $actions;
function custom_simplenews_rules_options_list() {
$taxonomy_vids_objects = db_query("SELECT vid FROM {taxonomy_vocabulary} WHERE module = :module", array(':module' => 'simplenews'))->fetchAll();
$taxonomy_vids_array = array();
foreach ($taxonomy_vids_objects as $value) {
$taxonomy_vids_array[$value->vid] = $value->vid;
$taxonomy_vids = implode(',', $taxonomy_vids_array);
$taxonomy_tids = db_query("SELECT tid, name FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE vid IN (:vids)", array(':vids' => $taxonomy_vids))->fetchAll();
$categories = array();
foreach ($taxonomy_tids as $value) {
$categories[$value->tid] = $value->name;
return $categories;
function custom_simplenews_rules_actions_get_subscribers(&$category) {
$categories_array = array();
foreach ($category as $key => $value) {
$categories_array[$key] = $key;
$categories = implode(',', $categories_array);
$subscribers_snids = db_query("SELECT snid FROM {simplenews_subscription} WHERE vid IN (:vid)", array(':vid' => array_keys($categories)))->fetchAll();
$subscribers_uids = array();
foreach ($subscribers_snids as $value) {
$subscribers_uids[$value->snid] = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {simplenews_subscriber} WHERE snid = :snid AND activated = 1", array(':snid' => $value->snid))->fetchAll();
$users_list = entity_load('user', $subscribers_uids);
return array('entity_fetched' => array_values($users_list));
Can not determine what I've done wrong. Please help!