A bit of a newbee, but I have a somewhat complex issue.
Background: I am creating a map for a client, with a filtered list beneath it. when they click one of the categories at the top, the list filters to that category, and the respective markers on my GMap view change icons from a light blue to dark blue if they are the active category, and vice-versa if inactive. I have been working on this on and off for a little over a month, but the deadline is the end of the month. I'm on the last few steps, namely optimizing. The Module I am using is GMap 2.11-7.x
The problem: I have everything working, but not very quickly. When I go to switch the categories, it calls
var map=Drupal.gmap.getMap('auto1map');
map.bind('addmarker', function (m) { ... }); //bind addmarker-handler, the marker is available as callback-argument
However, I noticed, to update a marker, it calls that method for each marker, AND it calls the methods within to update each marker, which seems necessary because otherwise it stops after the first marker.... Ultimately, it hangs for a few seconds where the webpage freezes up, which is not ideal.
I get my brain all jumbled up, this is my first web dev job, and I don't have the most solid grasp on JavaScript. Do I need to extract the setIcon code from the bind event? Is there a better way to update Icons on a Google Map?
Full code is as follows:
(function ($) {
//When click on marker, act on related link
//initiates drupal gmap module
Drupal.behaviors.gmap = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
//I get all the html list elements
var listBlock = $('.project-prof'); //choose .project-prof elements
var li = $(listBlock).parent().parent().parent(); //chooses the list item of .project-prof elements
var activeCategory = "Healthcare"; //sets default activeCategory
var activeLi = $("."+activeCategory).parent().parent().parent(); //chooses list item of active .project-prof
var location = []; //this will be used to keep track of the locations of each activeLi in the array of <li>
// now we .push() the position(integer) of each list item that has activeCategory
console.log(location); //debug
//Set index to associate list element and markers
var index = 0;
//reference for the map
var map=Drupal.gmap.getMap('auto1map');
//bind addmarker-handler, the marker is available as callback-argument
map.bind('addmarker', function (m) {
var element = $(li)[index];
//remove listeners set automatically by the library
google.maps.event.clearListeners(m.marker, 'mouseover mouseout click');
//hover over markers
google.maps.event.addListener(m.marker, 'mouseover',function(){
//Hide other elements
//so activeLi toggle here hides the active category
height: "toggle",
opacity: "toggle"
//element toggles the specific moused-over object
height: "toggle",
opacity: "toggle"
//same thing but just mouseout
google.maps.event.addListener(m.marker, 'mouseout',function(){
height: "toggle",
opacity: "toggle"
height: "toggle",
opacity: "toggle"
//hover is set
//filter list after button press (button event further down)
function toggleCategory(thisVar) {
//console.log("" + thisVar+ " "); //debug to make sure activeCategory is bound correctly
activeLi = $("."+thisVar).parent().parent().parent(); //gotta set activeLi again
var location = []; //empty out the old location array
//do it again
console.log(location); //more debug
//fancy animations
height: "toggle",
opacity: "toggle"
//this is how the icons are actually set for the markers to their correct active or inactive look
if($.inArray(m.marker.index,location) != -1){
console.log("2." + m.marker.index + " = " + "true"); //debug
} else {
//filter is set
//setting defaults
//initial setup on page load of which markers are active and inactive
if($.inArray(m.marker.index,location) != -1){
console.log("2." + m.marker.index + " = " + "true"); //debug
} else {
//defaults are set
//filtering buttons
$("#block-block-38 input").on("click", function(){
height: "toggle",
opacity: "toggle"
}); //fancy animations
activeCategory = $(this).attr('name'); //set activeCategory to this new button's name
toggleCategory(activeCategory); //pass activeCategory into the above function (it becomes thisVar)
//buttons set
//toggle marker location's modal, same as clicking on respective list item
google.maps.event.addListener(m.marker, 'click',function(){
//modal is set
index++; //increment index so we can do this all over again for each marker?
How can I cut the fat out of this code/make this work faster?