I'm trying to implement commerce on my D7 site and after installing packs of modules I've installed commerce_stripe module to use Stripe payments.
After I created all necessary things(stripe account, products, stripe api keys, latest stripe-php library in sites/all/libraries/) I'm trying to proceed payment and see an error:
Error making the payment. Please contact shop admin to proceed.
Went to reports -> recent log messages and see:
Failure to load Stripe API PHP Client Library.
Hours of googling and I found few ways how to handle it. Updated Libraries module to the latest version, instead of 7.x-3.0-alpha installed 7.x-3.x-dev, clear cache, run cron. Unfortunately, nothing happens.
trying to locate an error I've found function that trying to load stripe php library. It's commerce_stripe_load_library()
in commerce_stripe.module file. Error throws in the beginning of this function:
$library = libraries_load('stripe-php');
if (!$library || empty($library['loaded'])) {
watchdog('commerce_stripe', 'Failure to load Stripe API PHP Client Library.', array(), WATCHDOG_CRITICAL);
return FALSE;
Trying to dpm result of libraries_load()
and first condition !$library
is passed successfully.
But $library['loaded']
Any ideas why? Any help appreciated.