Let say I have a menu item with these attributes

'title' => 'Menu Title',
'link' => ['uri' => 'internal:/taxonomy/term/1217'],
'menu_name' => 'my-menu',
'expanded' => TRUE,

I can find all the menus by their title, e.g.,

 $menu_links = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')
                ->loadByProperties(['title' => 'Menu Title']);

if ($menu_link = reset($menu_links)) {
// Get the pid of the first menu
    $menu_pid = $menu_link->getPluginId();

Then I tried to retrieve menu by the link property, and I couldn't. I tried:

 $menu_links = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')
                ->loadByProperties(['link' => array('uri' => 'internal:/taxonomy/term/1217')]);

 $menu_links = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')
                ->loadByProperties(['link' => ['uri' => 'internal:/taxonomy/term/1217']]);

 $menu_links = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')
                ->loadByProperties(['uri' => 'internal:/taxonomy/term/1217']);

None of them worked.

2 Answers 2


Try the property link.uri:

$menu_links = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')
  ->loadByProperties(['link.uri' => 'internal:' . $path]);

This worked for me:

$link = 'entity:node/' . $node->id();
$menulinks = \Drupal::service('entity.manager')->getStorage('menu_link_content')
    ->loadByProperties(['link.uri' => $link]);

So I think you should try 'entity:' instead of 'internal:'

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