I understand that drush rsync
is, by design, capable of preserving uid:gid.
if I am synchronizing with drush rsync @site1 @site2
, and uid:did exists on both site1, and site2, all is well.
How would I go about changing the uid:gid to a specific selection on site2, within drush's command/alias config?
For example, on site1 all files are wwwrun:www, but on site2 I want to save all files as bob:admins, neither of which exists on site1.
Is there an integrated solution? I know I can use 'drush ssh @site2 "chown ..."'
as a subsequent step. Can I instead define/chain the command in aliases.drush.rc?
Using "remote-user=xxx" certainly works, but, apparently, it is limited to users that are allowed SSH access on the remote box.
@ remote
egrep -i "allowusers" /usr/local/etc/ssh/sshd_config
AllowUsers root locuse testuser
@ local
drush --remote-user=testuser rsync @siteA @siteB
You will destroy data from [email protected]:/srv/www/siteB/ and replace with data from /srv/www/siteA//
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
@ remote
ls -al PROD/ | head -n 5
total 248K
drwsrws--- 10 testuser users 4.0K Mar 8 00:08 ./
drwxrwx--- 4 wwwrun www 4.0K Mar 8 08:11 ../
-rw-rw---- 1 testuser users 6.5K Mar 6 17:31 authorize.php
-rw-rw---- 1 testuser users 64K Mar 6 17:31 CHANGELOG.txt
-rw-rw---- 1 testuser users 996 Mar 6 17:31 COPYRIGHT.txt
That doesn't address my particular issue/interest.
More clearly, what I want to do is ssh-in from local->remote as an authorized user ('locuse' or 'root'), but I have the remote files' uid:gid set to an existing pair, where the target uid does/will NOT have ssh-access (e.g., wwwrun:www).
Reading the output of "man rsync," I read:
Then @siteB
mkdir -p /path/to/target
chown -R wwwrun:www /path/to/target
vi /etc/rsyncd.conf
transfer logging = true
log format = %h %o %f %l %b
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
hosts deny = *
use chroot = no
path = /path/to/target
hosts allow = *
comment = COMMENTS
uid = wwwrun
gid = www
read only = no
list = yes
and @local
ls -al ~/SourceDir
total 240K
drwxrwxrwx 2 locuse users 4.0K Mar 8 10:42 ./
drwxr-xr-x 27 locuse users 4.0K Mar 8 10:41 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 locuse users 5.2K Mar 8 10:43 file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 locuse users 2.8K Mar 8 10:43 file2.txt
rsync -av --rsh=ssh ~/SourceDir/ [email protected]::SiteB
Checking on remote:
ls -al /path/to/target
total 240K
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4.0K Mar 8 10:42 ./
drwxr-xr-x 27 wwwrun www 4.0K Mar 8 10:41 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 wwwrun www 5.2K Mar 8 10:43 file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 wwwrun www 2.8K Mar 8 10:43 file2.txt
It ends up with exactly the end-state I'm after.