I just wanted to practice doing the table "header sorting" and pagination to display a Drupal 6 table using a simple MSSQL query. At the moment, the table headers are not showing and there is no pagination, but the data in the query is being displayed. Can anyone see anything wrong with the code?
/* open database connection */
include "mssqlconnection.inc.php";
/* set up the table headers */
$headers = array(
array('image_id' => t('image_id'), 'field' => 'image_id', 'sort'=>'asc'),
array('geo_post' => t('geo_post'), 'field' => 'geo_post'),
array('geo_sample' => t('geo_sample'), 'field' => 'geo_sample'),
array('gps_lat' => t('geo_lat'), 'field' => 'geo_lat'),
array('gps_long' => t('gps_long'), 'field' => 'gps_long'),
/* Set up and execute the query. */
$sql = sprintf ("SELECT TOP 100 image_id,
FROM images"
/* add the order by clause */
$stmt .= tablesort_sql($headers);
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sql);
if ( $stmt === false) {
echo "Error in query preparation/execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
/* collecting results */
while ($doc = sqlsrv_fetch_object($stmt)) {
$rows[] = array(
sprintf($imgPublish . ' ' . $imgDelete, $doc->nid),
$table = theme('table', $headers, $rows);
$table .= theme('pager', array(), 10, 0);
return $table;
/* Close the connection. */
include "closemssqlconnection.inc.php";