I am using Default Content for D8 to import content on my site.
After Profile installation completed, I enabled my custom default content module with contents sample json for node entity [my_module/content/[entity_type]/anything.json].
I get the following error:
Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\UnexpectedValueException: Type /drupal-pro-8/rest/type/node/article does not correspond to an entity on this site. in Drupal\hal\Normalizer\ContentEntityNormalizer->getTypedDataIds() (line 239 of \drupal-pro-8\core\modules\hal\src\Normalizer\ContentEntityNormalizer.php).
And the node isn't imported...
What have I done to try to fix it:
. Ensure I have the article content type;
. Flushed all cache;
. Tested in different browsers;
. In the module page it says all tests were passed with the following conditions: PHP 5.5 & MySQL 5.5, D8.5 6. I started to use the same version of PHP, MySQL and D8.
After all this, the same problem keeps on appearing and I can't understand why this happens. May I missed something. Any help.
Thanks in advance.