I want to customize the article type node pages. I created a twig file :
What code should I put in this file to display the "Description" field ?
Rendered output of this field
{{ content.field_article_description }}
Also note that if you need to exclude a specific field from the general content area even if it is set to display (which is what you have to do to get it into the render array) then this works:
{#We hide the comments and links now so that we can render them later.#}
<div{{ content_attributes }}>
{{ content|without('comment', 'links', 'field_tags', 'field_machinename') }}
and then where you need it to appear:
{{ content.field_machinename }}
GiorgosK's answer should work, unless you have a layout set in the Manage Display tab, in which case you may need to use something like {{ content._field_layout.content.field_article_description }}