I 'm hitting a brick wall on this one, so trying to reach out for help. I did try to research this but could not find anything helpful.
What I have: I have a content type of 'courses', which have title, code, credits and semester (semester ranges from 01 to 10, and it is a vocabulary and each course is linked to a term from this vocabulary).
What I want: I want to create a view page, which lists all courses, i.e. their title, code and credits, and those courses should be grouped (and sorted) by their semester.
Ideally, I want all this to be presented with an accordion, so for example the final page should be something like:
Course Title | Course Code | Course Credits {titles}
-- Semester 01 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #1 title | Course #1 Code | Course #1 credits
Course #2 title | Course #2 Code | Course #2 credits
Course #3 title | Course #3 Code | Course #3 credits
-- Semester 02 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #4 title | Course #4 Code | Course #4 credits
Course #5 title | Course #5 Code | Course #5 credits
-- Semester 03 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #6 title | Course #6 Code | Course #6 credits
Course #7 title | Course #7 Code | Course #7 credits
Course #8 title | Course #8 Code | Course #8 credits
Course #9 title | Course #9 Code | Course #9 credits
I hope this above sketch shows what I 'm trying to achieve.
I am new to Drupal and I don't have a good grasp of Views yet, so this probably adds to my confusion. I feel quite confident with twig and templates, so I tried to do it from there, but hit a problem.
What I did:
Created a new View, where I show content of type courses.
In it, I create a page of unformatted list of teasers and using filename suggestions with the debug mode enabled, I created the file:
I can write the accordion markup in there and everything, the problem is that the 'semester' info obviously pops up in every row...
The best I can come up with, is something like:
-- Semester 01 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #1 title | Course #1 Code | Course #1 credits
-- Semester 01 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #2 title | Course #2 Code | Course #2 credits
-- Semester 01 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #3 title | Course #3 Code | Course #3 credits
-- Semester 02 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #4 title | Course #4 Code | Course #4 credits
-- Semester 02 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #5 title | Course #5 Code | Course #5 credits
-- Semester 03 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #6 title | Course #6 Code | Course #6 credits
-- Semester 03 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #7 title | Course #7 Code | Course #7 credits
-- Semester 03 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #8 title | Course #8 Code | Course #8 credits
-- Semester 03 -- [ collapsible accordion header]
Course #9 title | Course #9 Code | Course #9 credits
I tried with 'fields' instead of 'content', added those that I want and 'excluded' semester from showing, but that didn't really help.
I understand that the teaser template runs once for every 'row' so there is no way to really 'group' results according to semesters, which is what I want.
Is there a way to get all data somewhere and format it in one template file, so I can use loops and ifs etc. to 'group' and present my data the way I want ?
Sorry for the ridiculous length of this message .. I wanted to be as specific as possible in order to be easily understood...
This question seems fairly similar, but the very useful and detailed answer mentions a solution if not using a view mode/template. I want to use a template because it helps me control exactly how the data is shown. I 've found other tips and info here and there, but none could be of any real help.
What should I try in order to achieve what I want? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I 'm really stuck on this one ...
Please shed some drupal light towards my way ... :)