I have a content type with a path pattern ([category]/[english_title]) that is generated based on its field values.
In the node's page there is a block with referencing news items and a count based more link to a page with more news items.The path generated from the more link is the same as the node's alias but with /news appended to it ([category]/[english_title]/news).
For that I passed the English title as token through a hook to the more link which was fetched from the page side as an argument to be matched against. It was fine until I had some fields with special characters, especially titles with apostrophes of possessive 'S's. I am unsure about how to proceed. An easier way would be since there. There is already a news section to do something like /news?nid, but it got me thinking.
Is it possible to alias contextually generated views pages or substitute an already patterned portion of a URL with its alias?