I have a content type called Project which can relate to n projects of the same content type. This is done with a field called related projects using the D8 core Entity References. A possible relationship could look like that:
Project B
Project A
Project C
Project templates should show all linked projects in both directions. Also would be great to edit the relations in both ways, when editing Project A but also when edition Project B.
This works fine for projects which have projects defined in the Related Projects field, like Project A in the example. But it doesn't work out for referenced projects like Project B and Project C. This is because of the directed nature of Entity References.
I try to use Corresponding Entity References module which "syncs the node reference between two node types which have a nodereference to each other" configuring it like that on /admin/config/content/cer:
- First field: related_projects
- Second field: related_projects
- Package: Node: Project
But Project B and Project C don't get updated when saving Project A. What am I doing wrong? Or is there another possible solution for syncing node references?