Initially I wanted a list of Authors in an exposed filter (as a checkbox) but after looking into BEF (better exposed filters) it seems this isn't possible.
Instead I am trying to create a taxonomy term for each user created but have found regardless of what entity I am trying to create, the hook for insertion is never called.
I am using xdebug and was expecting at least a single breakpoint inside one of the functions to work but it never triggers, I have cleared my cache and other preprocessing functions inside this file (bare.theme).
A few examples of functions I have tried (my theme is called "bare"):
function bare_entity_insert(Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity){}
function bare_user_insert(\Drupal\user\UserInterface $user) {}
function bare_entity_create(Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity){}
function bare_user_create(\Drupal\user\Plugin\Core\Entity\User $user){
I feel I have missed something very crucial, perhaps I can't call these functions inside a .theme file?