I want to modify my register page and add some fields from 'profile' content, for example: gender.

So Ive got:

function mysite_preprocess_user_register(&$variables) { unset ($variables['form']['Personal Information']['profile_gender']['#description'] ); .... }

In this point when i print_r profile_gender Ive got:

Array ( [#type] => select [#title] => Gender [#default_value] => [#options] => Array ( [0] => -- [Select] => Select [Male] => Male [Female] => Female ) [#required] => 0 [#post] => Array ( ) [#programmed] => [#tree] => [#parents] => Array ( [0] => profile_gender ) [#array_parents] => Array ( [0] => Personal Information [1] => profile_gender ) [#weight] => 0.003 [#processed] => 1 [#attributes] => Array ( ) [#input] => 1 [#size] => 0 [#multiple] => [#process] => Array ( [0] => form_expand_ahah ) [#name] => profile_gender [#id] => edit-profile-gender [#value] => [#defaults_loaded] => 1 [#sorted] => 1 )

And when I want to change #type to 'radios' displays me nothing..


  $variables['form']['Personal Information']['profile_gender']['#type'] = 'radios';
  $variables['form']['Personal Information']['profile_gender']['#options'] = array('0'=>t('Male'),'1'=>t('Female'));
  $variables['form']['Personal Information']['profile_gender']['#default_value'] = 'Male';

    $variables['gender'] = drupal_render($variables['form']['Personal Information']['profile_gender']); 

Any ideas how to change that from select list to radios(male/female)?

  • Profile lets you display its fields on the register page. Why not using this ?
    – Countzero
    Commented Mar 28, 2012 at 7:04

1 Answer 1


The preprocess functions are about rendering the output. Removing and adding form element with FAPI must be done earlier.

You have to do this with hook_form_alter. It's also very likely that you have to add a custom submission handler to process and save the user input. You can hook in your handler in hook_form_alter as well.

  • and how can I use it for edit this field? Any example?
    – mihaueq
    Commented Mar 28, 2012 at 10:51
  • If anyone is intrested (I cant reply my own post): function my_site_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { // add radios if ($form_id == 'user_register') { $form['Personal Information']['profile_gender']['#type'] = 'radios'; $form['Personal Information']['profile_gender']['#options'] = array('0'=>t('Male'),'1'=>t('Female')); $form['Personal Information']['profile_gender']['#default_value'] = 'Male'; } }
    – mihaueq
    Commented Mar 28, 2012 at 11:10

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