I have added a block which shows the no of items added to an entity. I want to refresh the block through ajax as the items are added to an entity through ajax form so whenever I add an item, it will refresh or re-render the block content too.
I found some of the modules, but they are in Drupal 7 and not available for D8 so I want to make it done with my custom module but didn't find anything useful.
I have added the class attribute with the block and whenever I add any items, I made an ajax request through javascript which calls the respective controller and at the same time, I run this too--
// This is a part of the controller function from where I am calling below defined methods.
protected function getBlock() {
$block = $this->blockManager->createInstance('block_id', []);
return $block;
public function updateBlock() {
$block = $this->getBlock();
$this->response->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand('.block--class', $block->build()));
return $this->response;
But It is not updating the block.