I have so much fields in a content like "title", "field_image", "field_description", and i use a view for create a block and put it on my front page...
I will make a slider with a jquery plugin (jssor slider), i need use the structure of jssor slider. then in my view, i use "views-view-fields--[name_machine]--block.html.twig" for print individual fields. but the file "views-view-fields..." print for each content, run all code on this file,and i need to put the initial containers of this plugin only once, and the code of the images several times.
I try to put the initial containers of the plugin in the "page.html.twig" but when i print the block with the "views-view-fields..." inside he puts a lot of code and many labels and containers that I do not need and the plugin stops working. let me show the files.
my page.html.twig {# Header #} {% if page.banner_front %}
<div id="jssor_1">
<!-- Loading Screen -->
<div data-u="loading" class="jssorl-009-spin">
<img src="/images/spin.svg" />
<div data-u="slides">
{% block banner_front %}
{{ page.banner_front }}
{% endblock %}
then my views-view-fields--banner--block.html.twig:
<div data-b="0">
<img data-u="image" src="{{ fields.field_imagen.content }}"/>
<div class="caption-banner" data-u="caption" data-t="0">
<div class="title-banner">
{% if fields.title.content %}
{{ fields.title.content }}
{% endif %}
<div class="description-banner">
{% if fields.banner_description.content %}
{{ fields.banner_description.content }}
{% endif %}
{% if fields.field_url.content %}
<a href="#" target="_blan">
<div class="btn-ver">Ver más</div>
{% endif %}
to work correctly, the label <div data-b = '0'>
must be left of the label <div data-u = 'slides'>
, but when the region is printed the system prints many labels and containers that damage the structure of the slider.
On Drupal 7 i used inside of the foreach the code of the images, and outside the inicial structure, and works well but now, i dont know how to this.
Thanks a lot.
the "views-view-fields..." inside he puts a lot of code and many labels and containers that I do not need
to remove this markup follow my answer hereFormat:Unformatted list
try to override theviews-view-unformatted.html.twig
you will have the ability to add class to parent or inside each row