I'm trying to dynamically add multiple toggle fields to a form (in my case webform) via a form-alter-hook.
function module_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
foreach ($roles as $role) {
$form['elements'][$role->id()] = array(
'#type' => 'webform_toggle',
'#title' => t($role->label()),
'#default_value' => 0,
// More webform specific arguments follow here.
'#webform_id' => "edit_membership_roles--" . $role->id(),
'#webform_key' => $role->id(),
'#webform_parent_key' => "",
'#webform_parent_flexbox' => FALSE,
'#webform_depth' => 0,
'#webform_children' => [],
'#webform_parents' => [$role->id()],
'#webform_multiple' => FALSE,
'#webform_composite' => FALSE,
'#admin_title' => $role->id(),
'#webform' => "edit_membership_roles",
'#webform_submission' => NULL,
'#access' => TRUE,
'#webform_element' => TRUE,
'#element_validate' => [],
This works in a way that the form is displayed correctly, with all dynamically added toggle elements. However, when trying to load the WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission
via $webform_submission->getData();
in my custom class FormHandler extends WebformHandlerBase {...}
, the array only contains the elements that I manually added to the webform via the GUI.
I checked the first answer of this question, but my $form
does not have a $form['submitted']
Am I just missing something or does this approach not work at all?
I did the same approach with a custom form built with Drupal FormApi and it works. So I must be missing something specific to webforms.