I've inherited a project that deals with Drupal Facet API. I've got everything working fine, except for the display of the date for events.
The filter by date and time >> start date displays the date in seconds, however I would like this to be the date and time, e.g. Saturday 14th September 10:15 am
Here is the code from the event_system.module:
if (isset($variables['view']) && $variables['view']->name == 'events') {
$i = $variables['view']->row_index;
$timestamp = strtotime($variables['view']->result[$i]->field_data_field_date_and_time_field_date_and_time_value);
$variables['post_date'] = format_date($timestamp, 'medium');
I've tried this:
$variables['post_date'] = format_date($timestamp, 'custom', 'g:i a, d F, Y',0);
and this:
$variables['post_date'] = format_date('l jS F Y', strtotime($timestamp));
I've tried adding different parameters to format_date but with no success. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.