I ended up modifying the node when cron runs.
// 60 * 60 * 8 - measured in seconds.
define("JMT_CLASSES_EIGHT_HOURS", 28800);
* Implements hook_cron().
function jmt_classes_cron() {
// Check current config for time, if greater than 8hrs check for updates.
$timeOfLastUpdate = \Drupal::configFactory()
$currentTime = \Drupal::time()
$intervalSinceLastUpdate = $currentTime - $timeOfLastUpdate;
if ($intervalSinceLastUpdate >= JMT_CLASSES_EIGHT_HOURS || $timeOfLastUpdate == NULL) {
// Check for updates.
$raw = jmt_classes_get_classes('https://example.com/Client.WebApi/api/Route?url=query/get?url=jmt');
if ($raw) {
$newBodyValueHtml = jmt_classes_render_html($raw);
$classesEdNode = Node::load(JMT_CLASSES_CLASSES_ED_NODE_ID);
jmt_classes_update_class_node($classesEdNode, $newBodyValueHtml);
->set('last_run', $currentTime)
* Update node with new html for the body field and log that it was updated.
* @param string $node
* The node (output page) that should be updated with new data.
* @param string $newBodyValueHtml
* The HTML to set the body to.
function jmt_classes_update_class_node($node, $newBodyValueHtml) {
$node->body->value = $newBodyValueHtml;
\Drupal::logger('jmt_classes')->notice("Successfully updated body field of articles/upcoming-education-classes-field-days");
* Get raw json output for JMT classes. Log error or success.
* @param string $uri
* JMT api uri: should be something like:
* 'https://example.com/Client.WebApi/api/Route?url=query/get?url=jmt'.
* @return string
* Raw json data or empty if nothing returned from request.
* @throws \GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
function jmt_classes_get_classes($uri) {
try {
$response = \Drupal::httpClient()->request('GET', $uri, ['timeout' => 120]);
catch (Exception $e) {
\Drupal::logger('jmt_classes')->error("Attempted to get data
from $uri but failed. $php_errormsg");
return '';
$data = (string) $response->getBody();
$data_array = json_decode($data);
// If this isn't json data return nothing.
if (empty($data_array)) {
return '';
// Otherwise, return raw json data.
else {
\Drupal::logger('jmt_classes')->notice("Successfully got data from $uri");
return $data;
This has the advantage that I don't do any preprocessing. The change happens when the data changes when cron runs, not on every page load. This is important because fetching the data is SLOW!
and Batch operations. With that you can build something to fetch your data and then update nodes accordingly. Node cache will automatically get rebuild on node updates.