Can anyone please help me how to add/alter/remove aggregate options like count/sum/average etc. along with groupings using hook_views_query_alter
in Drupal 8. I cant seem to find a suitable example.
Thanks BR/Pratip
I am not sure why people down-voted my question. It might have been a little silly to ask if there's a way to alter the group by of a views query using hook_views_query_alter
because I think aggregation is actually a part of the base query and not views. So instead of using hook_views_query_alter
we need to use hook_query_alter
* Implements hook_query_alter().
function my_module_query_alter(Drupal\Core\Database\Query\AlterableInterface $query) {
if ($query->getMetaData('view') && $query->getMetaData('view')->id() === 'my_view') {
$group_by =& $query->getGroupBy();
There are a lot of other memeber function that you can check out like $query->groupBy('field_name)
that can add another group by clause and so on...
Still not sure why it was down-voted, but I'm sure this might help someone some someday like me.