My website is getting too slow. When I checked the journal entries, I found many errors like the following.
What is it? What are they trying to do?
It's a tentative to detect which software is used to build the site; in the specific, they are trying to understand if the site is built with Visual DataFlex, a forth generation programming language geared towards creating database and client/server type applications. The .dfr extension is used for the Visual DataFlex license file.
It's similar to those attempts to access a URL used from WordPress to understand if the site is built with WordPress.
Once they know what is used to built the site, they can take advantage of specific vulnerabilities to get access to reserved information or cause denial of service.
Those are probably bots trying to find security holes to exploit on your server/website.
The best way to prevent them is with firewall and other security measures on your server. Most control panels have firewalls included but might need a little configuration before they run properly. Firewalls usually ban IPs depending on their bad behaviour.
This subject is probably off-topic for the Drupal forums but if you want an extra measure blocking IPs within Drupal you can consider using AutoBan IP here is a basic setup.
I have shared hosting
there is your source of poor performance.
Mar 28, 2019 at 21:40