I am attempting to run two Drush commands from my crontab:
# m h dom mon dow command
*/2 * * * * drush -r /path -l https://www.domain.com/ cron
*/2 * * * * drush -r /path -l https://www.domain.com/ -u civicron civicrm-api job.execute
Both of these commands work when I run them manually on the server, however they do not appear to work through crontab, even though the log shows them running:
Apr 17 20:16:01 ip-000000000000 CRON[3736]: (ubuntu) CMD (drush -r /path -l https://www.domain.com/ -u civicron civicrm-api job.execute)
Apr 17 20:16:01 ip-000000000000 CRON[3737]: (ubuntu) CMD (drush -r /path -l https://www.domain.com/ cron)
Any suggestion as I cannot see why these would not be running?