I am trying to adapt the following Drupal 7 code to Drupal 8, in order to set a different image style to every image in a view:

// Assigns a random style name to each image
function <MODULE_NAME>_views_pre_render(&$view)
  if($view->name == 'SOME VIEW') 
    $styles = array('thumbnail', 'medium', 'large');
    foreach($view->result as &$result) 
      $result->field_field_image[0]['rendered']['#image_style'] = $styles[array_rand($styles)];        

Right now I have:

function <MODULE_NAME>_views_pre_render(ViewExecutable $view)
  if($view->id() == 'SOME VIEW') 
    $styles = array('thumbnail', 'medium', 'large');
    foreach($view->result as &$result) 
      $image = $result->_entity->get("field_media_image");
      $image->SOME_FUNCTION('#style_name') = $styles[array_rand($styles)];        

However, I can't figure out what SOME_FUNCTION would be -- There does not appear to be any way to access the render array from an ImageItem object.

1 Answer 1


I gave up on hook_views_pre_render and wound up meeting my requirements with template_preprocess_image_formatter as follows:

function <TEMPLATE_NAME>_preprocess_image_formatter(&$variables) {
  $styles = array('thumbnail', 'medium', 'large');
  if ($variables['image']['#style_name'] === 'medium') {
    $variables['image']['#style_name'] = $styles[array_rand($styles)];

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