I created 2 new user fields for the user (object/entity) on my D7 site. Using views, I can select 'content' or 'user' for querying data. When I use views to query the 'user', the 2 new fields come up just fine. However, when I select 'content', the 2 new fields are not there. This makes sense to me since the 2 new fields are tied to the user entity.

For my purposes, I need both content AND user data. The strange or weird thing is, when I select 'content' for my base and use relationships to find and pull user entity fields, SOME old custom created fields already tied to the User Entity is present and I can select them, BUT my 2 new fields are not.

I tried clearing caches and making sure I had active content with the 2 new fields enabled. So why can I find in relationships, entity references to old custom fields, but not my new fields I created?

It feels like a catch 22. If I select user, I have my new fields, but not the content, and vice versa.

  • 2
    If you're starting with user view, add relationship of author content. If you're starting with content view and relationship of author. How did you got about creating these 2 new user fields? Did you do it through the UI? OR did you do it programmatically via custom module?
    – No Sssweat
    Commented May 17, 2019 at 13:35
  • I set the data through the field UI. I added author content like you said and now I can use the 2 new fields in my tables view. The field values are boolean and it doesn't display true or false, but I think I just have to mess with it. Thank you for your help.
    – Shawn
    Commented May 17, 2019 at 21:02

1 Answer 1


There is a Relationship that introduces "backwards" Entity reference info into the Views.

In Drupal 7 that is called something like this (you can find this in the list of Relationships in your Content Views under the Entity Reference Category):

Entity Reference: Referencing entity
A bridge to the User entity that is referencing Content via field_[myERfield]

After you have that you will be able to add the User: Name field, it will automatically use the above Relationship, and it will show which user referenced that particular node, for your each Views row.

In Drupal 8 the Relationship is called

User using field_[myERfield]
Relate each User with a field_[myERfield] set to the content.

The procedure is the same, you can now add Fields or Filters relating to User fields/data, if they're set to use the Relationship the user shown will be the one referencing the content of that Views row.

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