I need to print Cart form view in drupal 8 site. I have installed Entity Print & Entity Print Views. I can generate pdf successfully using tcpdf pdf file or debug version does not considering css. How can I apply custom CSS to pdf file? So far I have added below code in mytheme.libraries.yml

        css/print-style.css: {}

and in entity_print.libraries.yml

  css/entity-print.css: {}
  css/entity-print.css: {}

And added custom css in entity-print.css, Enable Default CSS checkboox is not checked, added {{ entity_print_css }} brfore </head> in twig file. Still it is not working Edited: Passing inline CSS is working for debug version but not in pdf

  • Does tcpdf even allow you to style the output? How are you testing the print css? Do you see the changes when you Print preview in your browser?
    – prkos
    Commented May 21, 2019 at 20:24
  • no, I can not see the css changes in browser
    – softech
    Commented May 22, 2019 at 9:40


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