I'm attempting to attach several css files to a Drupal 7 module. All files have identical read/write/execute and owner permissions. I haven't had trouble with one of the three files but I can't get the other two added (checked the loaded stylesheets in developer tools). Here's what I've tried:
function usspd_search_main_form($form, $form_state) {
$form['#attached']['css']['css1'] = '/sites/all/libraries/data_search/bootstrap_tagsinput/bootstrap_tagsinput.css'; //failed
$form['#attached']['css']['css2'] = '/sites/all/libraries/data_search/tagme/tagme_jquery-ui.css'; //failed
drupal_add_css('/sites/all/libraries/data_search/bootstrap_tagsinput/bootstrap_tagsinput.css'); //failed
drupal_add_css('/sites/all/libraries/data_search/tagme/tagme_jquery-ui.css'); //failed
$form['#attached']['css']['css3'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'usspd_search') . '/theme/usspd_search.css'; //works
return $form;
My best guess is that there's a class conflict and instead of overriding, the attachment just fails. Is there any way to declare priority? Otherwise I'll have to add the css from both files inline.
Additionally, I'm able to call everything fine when added as raw HTML to a basic page. It shouldn't be a pathing issue.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/sites/all/libraries/data_search/bootstrap_tagsinput/bootstrap_tagsinput.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/sites/all/libraries/data_search/tagme/tagme_jquery-ui.css">