Simple hierarchical select is used to display Taxonomy as a select field in my existing content type. So I'm trying to alter the value of it. Even tried using hook_form_alter but didn't work. So is there any way or hook using which I can alter the value of the select list?

  • Welcome to Drupal Answers :) Yes, that hook would be hook_form_alter. Maybe you can paste the code that didn't work so we may have a look at it. Maybe you have to ensure your hook_form_alter implementation runs last (after shs) via hook_module_implements_alter. Hard to tell with that little info.
    – leymannx
    Commented Jul 16, 2019 at 10:20

1 Answer 1


Finally, I was able to resolve it by using the module handler "shs_term_data_response". Like below

function YourModuleName_shs_term_data_response_alter(&$content, $context) {
  $termList = json_decode($content);
  $filteredList = array();
  /..your logic to modify $termList and push it to new array.../
  $content = json_encode($filteredList);

Hope it may help someone :)

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