After a few more hours learning twig filters I can calculate the retail price in each line item with this:
{% for adjustment in totals.adjustments %}
{% set disc_percent_remainder = 1 - adjustment.percentage %}
{% set disc_unit_price_raw_2 = order_item.getUnitPrice|commerce_price_format %}
{% set disc_unit_price_raw_1 = disc_unit_price_raw_2|trim(' USD', 'right') %}
{% set disc_unit_price_raw = disc_unit_price_raw_1|trim('$', 'left') %}
{% set disc_unit_price = (disc_unit_price_raw * 100) / disc_percent_remainder %}
${{ (disc_unit_price / 100)|round(2, 'ceil') }}
{% endfor %}
This is a horrible work-around I'm sure, ruins any chance of multiple currencies and Im sure can be cleaned up a lot with nesting some of this. But, it comes up with the correct retail pice.