I'm trying to set up a new D8 site. It needs to include some "subscriber only" type functionality. There is one content type which is little more than a title, a file, and one extra field for sorting purposes. There is also a View to make this visible to the end user. What I'm trying to do is let the unauthenticated site visitors see the list, but not download anything while the authenticated users in a specific Role are allowed to download those files. The site's owner will be taking care of adding people to it manually. It isn't too frequent of an event, apparently.
I see how to make the View itself only available to people in that Role. I see how to make content as a whole unavailable to the unauthenticated (Anonymous Users) in /admin/people/permissions. Am I going to have to disable Anonymous Users' access to all content and then enable it one content type at a time? Or is there a better way to achieve the goal?
I'm open to scraping the approach I've taken (Content Type, File field, and a View) and doing something else entirely if it would be better.
Note: We're currently using private files as the default storage location.