I have the following path defined in my routing.yml:

path: '/department/{department_node}/qualifications/{qualification_id}'

I need to translate that route into other languages, for example into Spanish:

path: '/departamento/{department_node}/titulaciones/{qualification_id}'

department_node would be a "department" node

qualification_id would be a dynamic id from a web service

So the result should be:

en: /department/department-title/qualifications/99
es: /departamento/department-title/titulaciones/99

As the qualification_id is a dynamic value, I can't create an alias, as I would have many after a while and they would be out of date. Does anyone know any method of translating the routes in this case?

  • @Hudri is right, you can't translate a route. The language specific things are handled in path processing, for which core aliasing is not the only one way to do this, you could use a custom path processor to translate parts of the path. BTW I think the easiest way would be to move the dynamic part to a query parameter.
    – 4uk4
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 13:23

1 Answer 1


Routes != URLs, you can't translate a route, you only can translate URL aliases.

One route has only one path, which - through optional wildcards - could match more than one URL. Because no single part in your desired URLs is stable, you can't do this with one route. (And AFAIK the first /part/ of a route path must be constant too in Drupal, it cannot start with a wildcard.)

An URL alias is an optional, separate entity that matches an arbitrary URL to an existing route.

You either have to dynamically create/update URL aliases, or add new route only for the spanish translation. But it is allowed to reuse the same controller for multiple routes, so overhead would only be a single entry in a routing.yml file.

  • I understand, so if I want to add a new route for Spanish, I should also control the aliases, because otherwise I would get different results when using the language selector
    – Javier Rey
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 12:01
  • Don't know your requirements, but in this case I guess I wouldn't use URL aliases at all. Making the controller language-aware is IMHO much simpler than constantly creating/updating URL aliases. You have got two routes, with two wildcards each, leading to one controller, who has to serve the proper entity in the proper language.
    – Hudri
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 12:08
  • Yes, the problem is that when using the controllers, the department should be an id, and not the name, which is what I'm sending right now cause it's an alias
    – Javier Rey
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 12:42
  • Yes, automatic entity upcasting only works with numeric IDs. But you also can implement custom logic in your controller and manually load the corresponding department node using the string/slug variable from the route. Something like entityQuery->condition('field_foo', $variableNameFromRoute)
    – Hudri
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 13:30

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