I am trying to write queries in drupal 8 , I know that I must use the delete() function , however just for testing on my draft I tried the following query and it worked :

$connection = \Drupal::database();
$sql = "DELETE FROM role_expire WHERE uid = :uid AND rid = :rid ";
$query_ = $connection->query($sql, array(":uid" => $drupal_user_id ,":rid" => $role_id));  

My question is should I ADD a execute() at the end like then following example that I found while searching and if yes, then how did my query manage to work without it ? :

 $database = \Drupal::database();
 $query = $database->query("DELETE FROM table WHERE name='jane' AND nickmane='" . $nickname . "'");

same question for the INSERT query.

1 Answer 1


You do not need $query->execute.

Drupal gives this example. As you have already mentioned there is recommendation to not use query for simple INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries.

And you can see in Connection::query that the query is executed.

  • Thank you so much Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 7:08

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