I have a multi-site Drupal 8 install and Drush has stopped working. All Drush commands fail with a "Bootstrap failed" error.
"Drush status" shows the /web dir twice as the root. Manually adding the root (--root:path) results in the same 'Bootstrap Failed" error
Any idea why the web directory would show twice in the root?
SITE@mi3-sr25 [~/public_html/web]# drush status
PHP binary : /opt/alt/php73/usr/bin/php
PHP config : /opt/alt/php73/etc/php.ini
PHP OS : Linux
Drush script : /home/SITE/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush
Drush version : 9.7.3
Drush temp : /tmp
Drush configs : /home/SITE/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.yml
Drupal root : /home/SITE/public_html/web/web
I've tried Drush 9 and 10. Checked for any duplicate directories, temporarily removed .htaccess No change.