I'm currently going through the prerequisites of Acquias configuring platform email https://docs.acquia.com/cloud-platform/manage/platform-email/platform-email-configuration/#associate-domain

but I do not see the Mail System to check what our default Mail System is. Does this mean We are using a different one? I do see Nemo Integration but still expected to be able to access Mail System.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Looks like you don't have the Mail System module installed and enabled on your site. If you want to use only the default Drupal PhpMailer, then you don't need Mail System. You only need to use Mail System if you install a different mailer and want to use that different mailer.

  • Thank you, is there any way i can check and make sure i'm using the default Drupal PhpMailer?
    – DSmith
    Commented Sep 27, 2021 at 21:23
  • Using drush from the command line, type drush php-eval "foreach (\Drupal::service('plugin.manager.mail')->getDefinitions() as \$plugin) {print_r(\$plugin['class'] . \"\n\");}" which will show you the available mailers. Drupal core provides Drupal\Core\Mail\Plugin\Mail\TestMailCollector and Drupal\Core\Mail\Plugin\Mail\PhpMail, and if you only see these and you can be sure that PhpMail is the only mailer in use. If you see other options, then some other module is providing a mailer which may be used.
    – anonymous
    Commented Sep 28, 2021 at 4:08
  • thanks but i seem to be getting the below error In Drupal.php line 130: \Drupal::$container is not initialized yet. \Drupal::setContainer() must be called with a real container.
    – DSmith
    Commented Sep 28, 2021 at 14:05

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