I installed Drupal 9.3.6.

At /admin/reports/status, I see the error:

There are security updates available for one or more of your modules or themes

and at /admin/modules/update, two modules are listed: PHP 8.x-1.1 and Remote Stream Wrapper 8.x-1.5.

However, for both these modules the recommended version is the already-installed version.

  • How do I see more details about the reason for the errors?
  • Alternatively, can I make Drupal ignore these two modules?

2 Answers 2


There are security updates available for one or more of your modules or themes isn't the more appropriate message that is correct in every case. It assumes that, once a release has been marked as insecure, a new release is created, but that doesn't always happen, for example because the project owner or one of the maintainers failed to fix the security issue.

In the specific case:

Implementing hook_update_status_alter() in a module, you can set those modules as ignored.

use Drupal\update\UpdateFetcherInterface;

function mymodule_update_status_alter(&$projects) {
  if (isset($projects['php'])) {
    $projects['php']['status'] = UpdateFetcherInterface::UNKNOWN;
    $projects['php']['reason'] = t('MyModule prevents Drupal from receiving information about module updates .');
  if (isset($projects['remote_stream_wrapper'])) {
    $projects['remote_stream_wrapper']['status'] = UpdateFetcherInterface::UNKNOWN;
    $projects['php']['reason'] = t('MyModule prevents Drupal from receiving information about module updates .');
  • Thanks. This code seems to prevent the permanent error being shown while not hiding that the modules are problematic.
    – jhnc
    Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 19:34

Sometimes Drupal messages regarding module updates can be outdated and can be fixed by manual check for updates from the /admin/reports/updates page: enter image description here

Also, some error messages can be shown because of the "Remote Stream Wrapper" module's status: enter image description here

To avoid receiving such messages you can:

  1. Uninstall the Update MAnager module.
  2. Try to use the hook_update_projects_alter

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