In my preprocessor I assign the following:

$variables['myVar'] = "value";

And in my twig file I can do the following and I get the value printed:

{{ myVar }}

If I however assign an array like this in my preprocessor:

$variables['myVar'] = ['name' => 'John','surname' => 'Doe'];

I am not able to get any output either through the outputting the variable, doing a dump or even trying to run it through a for loop:

{{ dump('myVar') }}
{% for items in myVar %}

I have cleared cache as well. Any ideas would be welcome :)

  • What do you get with {% for key,val in myVar %}{{ key }}: {{ val }}{% endfor %}? Did you "register" myVar with hook_theme or similar?
    – beltouche
    Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 18:39

1 Answer 1


in THEME.theme

function THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables)
  $variables['myVar'] = ['name' => 'John','surname' => 'Doe'];

in page.html.twig

name: {{ myVar.name }}
surname: {{ myVar.surname }}

or array iteration

{% for key,var in myVar %}
{{ key }}: {{ var }}
{% endfor %}

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