I created a subtheme for Claro theme in drupal 10. Before adding any custom code, I expected it to not be different from the parent theme, but the chosen dropdowns are off. (first pic - claro, second - claro subtheme)
This is what I have in my my_theme.info.yml
name: 'My Theme'
type: theme
core: 9.x
core_version_requirement: ^9 || ^10
base theme: claro
screenshot: screenshot.png
- my_theme/my-theme-style
- claro/global-styling
header: Header
pre_content: Pre-content
breadcrumb: Breadcrumb
highlighted: Highlighted
help: Help
content: Content
page_top: Page top
page_bottom: Page bottom
sidebar_first: First sidebar
- sidebar_first
I tried to add all that is under libraries, libraries-override and libraries-extend in the claro.info.yml, but nothing changes. How can I inherit also the style for chosen?