I am attempting to migrate images from a directory into an image field. All of my other fields are migrating correctly. No errors are being thrown, the database values do not appear and the image is not copied into the destination directory.
// Image migration
// basic mapping of destination field and source field
$this->addFieldMapping('field_figurae_image', 'highresfile');
// Directory where source images are located
->defaultValue(drupal_get_path('module', 'migrate') . '/matrixmigrate/matrix_libary');
// Directory that source images will be copied to
I believe my syntax is at least close to correct here. It is based on the "BeerNodeMigration" example. I had difficulty with Taxonomy migration that had very similar results. It turned out that I had another piece of code that was not formatted correctly. This is the only code I have related to images, is there an additional step that I'm missing?
Thank you for your time.