I have tried to set up an online example of a form using Drupal 7.
When I run it, the radio buttons do not show at all.
I also get the following errors:
Notice: Undefined index: #title_display in form_pre_render_conditional_form_element() (line 3090 of /var/www/sandbox7/includes/form.inc).
Notice: Undefined index: #title_display in form_pre_render_conditional_form_element() (line 3090 of /var/www/sandbox7/includes/form.inc).
Notice: Undefined index: #id in drupal_process_states() (line 4549 of /var/www/sandbox7/includes/common.inc).
Notice: Undefined index: #id in drupal_process_states() (line 4549 of /var/www/sandbox7/includes/common.inc).
Notice: Undefined index: #id in drupal_process_states() (line 4549 of /var/www/sandbox7/includes/common.inc).