I try to install drush using the following command:
pear install drush/drush
I get this error message:
No releases available for package "pear.drush.org/drush" install failed.
Then I try with sudo
sudo install drush/drush
I get this error message:
downloading drush-5.4.0.tgz …
Starting to download drush-5.4.0.tgz (398,652 bytes) done: 398,652 bytes
Could not rename /usr/bin/.tmpdrush to /usr/bin/drush copy(/usr/bin/drush): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
ERROR: commit failed.
I installed pear, and added the pear.drush.org channel. What is wrong?
I realize that my question was not very clear. I was trying to install drush using pear on OSX Mountain Lion and I got those errors. Anyway I managed to accomplish my task another way, by installing "homebrew" package manager and following a few steps from this tutorial (step 8 and 9).
Update: an even simpler way to install drush using homebrew:
brew install drush
That's it.