I have what I'm calling a "student blog" section. Students can create a blog either locally (with a Body field), or remotely using a Link. A single conditional_fields value of "blog is hosted" controls what is shown on the add_node_form.
These blog entries are moderated via Workbench Moderation.
Anyways in Views 3.x I want to make a listing of the blog titles, linked to their content. If the content was "local" I want a link to node/NID or the url alias. If the content was "remote url" I want the url to point to the offsite url for the blog post (eg, Blogger.com).
I have created the content type, and a simple views block that lists the node titles .... but I can't get the link(s) to point to the correct locations per entry.
If possible, please submit answers using Views 3.x Core only (not views_php, etc) ... this site has a ton of modules already :P
Images of configuration:
Content Type Fields
Initial Blog Creation Screen
Blog was Local screen
Blog was Remote Url screen
Views Block Output of Node Titles (that should link either local or remote