I'm looking for answers to the best approach to dynamically including an "Apply Now"/"Apply For" link/button within node content. For example. the content node has been custom created and visitors (registered users only) can click the "Apply Now" once viewing any said published node. For example, this maybe a "Join Band" on a music band collaborative site, a "Apply Now" on a Jobsite, a "Date Me" on a dating site, "Tender Now" on a contract site etc.
I've also schematicised in LibreOffice Draw for basic work-flow and using the Panels/Ctools/Rules combination along with Relation to ensure that posted content appears in a Users dashboard (based on their profile2/HomeBox type) whereby application Receivers can manage/reply/on-hold/delete such application notices. Or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree in my approach!?
My Main issues is primarily the inclusion on an "Apply Now" link in any said node and the most effective and futureproof so looking for for clarification on best D7 tools/Modules to use for such a back-end integrated task.
The entry here relates further to my question: Re: Relation Module which relates to a previous module I had started to utilise, but have now made redundant due to it's original author's Module depreciation, but in essense looking for an answer a generalistic approach to building such frameworks of this nature using common D7 modules (no custom coding at present), which I'm sure are very common.
Current overview found: http://www.lullabot.com/articles/photo-galleries-views-attach identities a similar issue, but I'm not too sure if this would be the correct/come best effective approach.
I am a newbie and any help is much appreciated. Anything I learn, I'll gladly pass it on here. Thanks in advance.