I want to run a database query in another CRM database after a user has registered. I have the following function in my sugar_crm module eg:

function sugar_crm_user_register_submit($form, &$form_state)
    // some code to run a database query in SugarCRM
    ddl("User registration form submitted to CRM");         


However, the function doesn't appear ever to be called. What am I doing wrong here?

  • what is your drupal version 6 or 7?
    – Yuseferi
    Commented Sep 5, 2012 at 16:00
  • My current version is Drupal 7 Commented Sep 5, 2012 at 16:02

3 Answers 3


A way is add a submit function to user_register_form submits in form alter.

yourmodule_form_alter(&$from,$form_state,$form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'user_register_form ) { 
       $form['#submit'][] = 'sugar_crm_user_register_submit';

but I think the better way is setup your custom function in hook_user_insert.this hook triggered when a user registered . you can implement it in your custom module.

  function yourmodule_user_insert(&$edit, $account, $category) {
   // some code to run a database query in SugarCRM
  ddl("User registration form submitted to CRM"); 
  • hook_user_insert was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. I guess I just need to become more familiar with the API! Commented Sep 5, 2012 at 16:25
  • Yes. working with drupal needs familiarity with drupal api. I pleasured could help you. :)
    – Yuseferi
    Commented Sep 5, 2012 at 16:30
function sugar_crm_user_insert(&$edit, $account, $category) {

  // some code to run a database query in SugarCRM

    ddl("User registration form submitted to CRM");  

This code worked for me in D7.

For D6,

function scrm_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {

  if ($op == 'insert' || $op == 'update' )  {

  // some code to run a database query in SugarCRM

    ddl("User registration form submitted to CRM"); 

Do you have the '#submit' property inside your hook_form_alter() ? E.g

    function sugar_crm_form_alter(){
// Call the  submit handler    
$form['#submit'][] = 'sugar_crm_user_register_submit';
  • I didn't. I've added that in now, and the _user_register_submit function still doesn't get called. Commented Sep 5, 2012 at 15:53
  • Right, I think I've worked it out. I needed to define the $form in the function signature. EG sugar_crm_form_alter(&$form) Commented Sep 5, 2012 at 15:57

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