I've got a form for non logged in users to submit an event, which then goes in to a moderation queue via rules. At the moment, when an authenticated user adds an event, they've got the option to either pick a venue from a list of already populated nodes (field_venue
), or specify a venue in plain text if the venue isn't a node (field_venuetext
I'd like to make this a bit easier for non-authenticated users and just provide one field which is a node reference autocomplete field. If the user just types a venue and doesn't select from the autocomplete, it will populate the plain text field (field_venuetext
). Looking at the nodereference.module
source, I can see the function I'd like to change (nodereference_autocomplete_validate
), and I guess, I'd do something like this:
function nodereference_autocomplete_validate($element, &$form_state) {
$field_name = $element['#field_name'];
$type_name = $element['#type_name'];
$field = content_fields($field_name, $type_name);
$field_key = $element['#columns'][0];
$delta = $element['#delta'];
$value = $element['#value'][$field_key];
$nid = NULL;
if (!empty($value)) {
preg_match('/^(?:\s*|(.*) )?\[\s*nid\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*\]$/', $value, $matches);
if (!empty($matches)) {
// Explicit [nid:n].
list(, $title, $nid) = $matches;
if (!empty($title) && ($n = node_load($nid)) && trim($title) != trim($n->title)) {
form_error($element[$field_key], t('%name: title mismatch. Please check your selection.', array('%name' => t($field['widget']['label']))));
else {
// No explicit nid.
$reference = _nodereference_potential_references($field, $value, 'equals', NULL, 1);
if (empty($reference)) {
// *** CHANGE *** At the moment, this generates an error, but I would like to populate the field 'field_venuetext'
form_error($element[$field_key], t('%name: found no valid post with that title.', array('%name' => t($field['widget']['label']))));
else {
// TODO:
// the best thing would be to present the user with an additional form,
// allowing the user to choose between valid candidates with the same title
// ATM, we pick the first matching candidate...
$nid = key($reference);
form_set_value($element, $nid, $form_state);
However I'm not sure how I'd override it, or indeed how I'd populate the field field_venuetext
. I'm new to Drupal, so not 100% sure where to go next. Any ideas?