I'm trying to integrate a Mailchimp mailing list into Drupal. The Mailchimp list requires:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • E-Mail

The client already has a list in this format so ideally I need to collect this data in Drupal.

I want to have a newsletter block that collects the email address and forwards a user to another page that has the full newsletter sign up with first name last name and the email but pre filled out.

I know I'm going to need Rules and Webform. But how can I collect the value of the webform field and use it again as a token later?

Note: I am using this within the Drupal setup, but the list requires three fields of data (first/lastname/email). I want to have a block that initially collects the email and forwards them to the full newsletter signup page. I have the webform and rules working to direct the user from the page with the block to the signup page, but I need to find out how to create a custom token from the field.

  • Did you know there's a MailChimp module?
    – Clive
    Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 13:01
  • Yes i am using it within the drupal setup, but the list requires three fields of data first/lastname/email I want to have a block that initially collects the email and forwards them to the full newsletter signup page, i have the webform and rules working to direct the user from the page with the block to the signup page but i need to find out how to create a custom token from the field Commented Nov 7, 2012 at 13:19

3 Answers 3


Have a look at Webform Mailchimp , different approach but may be of use

Provides a webform component that lets users subscribe to a Mailchimp newsletter as they submit a webform.


You do have access to all labels and all values of any field of a webform, ie:

  • [data:MachineFieldName-title] contains the Label of a field with machine name MachineFieldName.
  • [data:MachineFieldName-value] contains the Value of a field with machine name MachineFieldName

So in your case, you might be able to get it to work using something like [data:email-id] (assuming that's what corresponds to the "email field" in your case).

For way more details on this, and a prototype rule about this, refer to the answer to "How to create a node from a Webform using rules?":

  • the 1st attempt relates to using "Entity has field" (which doesn't work for Webform)
  • the 2nd attempt explains what to do in case of Webform.

Even though the above is a good start, it may not be sufficient to achieve your goal (= "... how can I collect the value of the webform field and use it again as a token later ...", as in your question). However, you can use a technique similar to what is described in my answer to "How to do a data comparison to submitted webform data when using the Rules module?". For short:

  • Add an extra Rules Action to Add a variable, with a value assigned to it equal to your [data:EmailField-value-raw] (and with an appropriate data type). I'm assuming your eMail field in your webform has a machine name like EmailField (adapt to fit your machine name).
  • In your subsequent Rules Actions you can refer to the value of this variable you just added (that's the clue!).

PS: I'm assuming this question is about D7.


I dedicate a blogpost on how to add a custom WebformSubmitHandler to process the data. Read about it here: https://stefvanlooveren.me/blog/how-create-mailchimp-subscription-drupal-8-webform-module

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