I try to render a field collection in my node--1.tpl.php template with print render($content['field_image_teaser'])
with no succes. I followed the example at http://drupal.org/node/1155752
The strange thing is, when I do a print of $content
width var_dump ()
my field is listed:
var_dump ($content);
array(1) {
array(2) {
array(1) {
string(1) "1"
array(1) {
string(1) "2"
but when I do a print of $content ['field_image_teaser']
the var_dump print out a NULL
Edite: I'm using the current recommended version 7.x-1.0-beta4.
With the answer of Neograph734 I spot that the the dump of the field "field_image_teaser" cames not direct form "field_image_teaser". It cames from the $node Object (which is referred in every field), but I can't render that value. There is no output with: print render($node->field_image_teaser);
So is there a way to get the field collection in a renderable form to use the regular template system, or is something else wrong?