My site is a bookmarking site where people share URLs.

First, if the page being submitted has Facebook open graph image information, Drupal should transfer that image to local files and display it (similar to sharing links on Facebook).

Otherwise, display a thumbnail preview of the page.

Thanks for help in advance.

3 Answers 3


I think what you actually looking for is the Opengraph Filter module.


Check out Opengraph filter module

When you post a link on facebook, you get a little summary of that site under your comment or post (with or without thumbnail). This works with OpenGraph metatags. Basicly Facebook scrapes the content of the url and makes a nice little summary.


I found this on drupal modules page, I googled drupal modules screenshot but I not yet test it.



  • Neither one of these modules answer the question. Commented Oct 14, 2013 at 14:22

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