I have two apachesolr environment setup in my drupal instance. I want to index some nodes to one environment and some to the other, say based on some node values.
I could see that it always indexes to default the environment. I could see the possibility of indexing in two environments, but it is irrespective of the nodes value.
How can i achieve it?
To give more detail, I am trying to achieve shards in apache solr in Drupal
UPDATE - 17 DEC 2012
Modules used:
Reason on why i need node values
I have a large nodes of a particular entity type, This makes my index so large.
- So Decided to go with shards with multiple indexes of the same node type.
So based on the node size and its priority of the node or proximity of the nodes location or users location , I want to split up the index to separate cloud servers and index them.
Proximity of the node also gives me power of separate out search indexes at a later stage.