I've got a Javascript that I'd been able to post on every page using Drupal_add_js, and everything was fine till my client's needs changed.

Now I need to show that same JS script on every site page except one node type, and one specific URL and I dont know how to do this. I'd prefer to do it the Drupal way rather than use JS Injector if I can.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks Steph

2 Answers 2


Following your logic, something along the lines of...

if ((isset($mgo) && $mgo->type=='TYPE') || $_GET['q']=='PATH') {
} else {

...where you are doing your drupal_add_js(...) should do it. I think this does it cleaner, but it's late in the logic day here:

if ((isset($mgo) && $mgo->type!='TYPE') && $_GET['q']!='PATH') {


if (isset($mgo) && $mgo->type=='products') || strpos($_GET['q'], 'user/preference_center/ratings_reviews/')===0) {
  ; // do nothing
} else {

will add js only if you are not looking at a product node or not in a path that starts with user/preference_center/ratings_reviews/ BUT please note that if what is after user/preference_center/ratings_reviews is a node, this won't work because that path is actually node/#, so you will have to then do...

if (isset($mgo) && $mgo->type=='products') || strpos(drupal_get_path_alias(), 'user/preference_center/ratings_reviews/')===0) {
  ; // do nothing
} else {


  • I think if ((!isset($mgo) || (isset($mgo) && $mgo->type!='TYPE')) && $_GET['q']!='PATH') { would work in more cases
    – Trey
    Commented Dec 26, 2012 at 23:45
  • Hi Guys, I'm sorry but these replies don't work. I've used <?php $mgo=menu_get_object(); if ((isset($mgo) && $mgo->type!='products') || $_GET['q']!='user/preference_center/ratings_reviews/*'):?> test <?php endif; ?> and I'm not getting the results I'm hoping for. I need to get "test" off of node type "products" and URLs that contain the path section "user/preference_center/ratings_reviews/"
    – StephanieF
    Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 17:24
  • that's not what exactly what you asked for in the original section...brb with an addition to the answer
    – Jimajamma
    Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 20:32
  • The $mgo var didn't work for me, but I did end up using this as my guide for hiding JS from my specific pages
    – StephanieF
    Commented Feb 8, 2013 at 15:20

I just started working with JS & Drupal, but this might work: If you put it in the the template.php under the the YOURTHEME_preprocess_node() you can do something like:

$node = menu_get_object();
  if (isset($node)) 
       if ($node->type = 'THENODETHATDOESNTNEEDIT') 
       //Do some stuff

This should drop Javascript only into the nodes you want...

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