It turned out there were two issues here: first checkout stopped working, then the server ran out of space. I now have space on the server, but the checkout still isn't working.

It's a commerce site, and checkout worked fine until launch and now the process appears to be broken. I get this message in the Drupal error log.

Notice: Undefined index: field_extra_instructions in commerce_customer_profile_pane_checkout_form() (line 165 of /home/wholebox.org/www/profiles/commerce_kickstart/modules/contrib/commerce/modules/customer/includes/commerce_customer.checkout_pane.inc).

The site is wholebox.org and if anyone can help find out what's wrong, it would be very handy right now.

Could I have disabled an important module when trying to make it faster?

  • It could be a 403 page- but now my 403 report page is displaying an error - file could not be created
    – ankles
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 17:51
  • I don't see any error. Do you have any error message or behaviour. Take a look in the log messages in admin/reports/dblog.
    – cayerdis
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 17:52
  • take a look in your temp folder permissions setting.. and make sure that the path is correct. More info drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/30113/…
    – cayerdis
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 17:54
  • added a php error...
    – ankles
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 17:57
  • 1
    Disk space issue resolved -server admin sorted it. But checkout still broken... I get this... Notice: Undefined index: field_extra_instructions in commerce_customer_profile_pane_checkout_form() (line 165 of /home/wholebox.org/www/profiles/commerce_kickstart/modules/contrib/commerce/modules/customer/includes/commerce_customer.checkout_pane.inc).
    – ankles
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 18:20

1 Answer 1


Checkout problem - there are two possibilities that fixed it, as I re-enabled Extra Panes and Coupon UI at the same time.

I had set an extra field in Customer Shipping Profile. I didn't think it was dependent on Commerce Extra Panes, but when I disabled that module the process broke.

It could also be that the coupon UI module provides the text box on the checkout process, so when I disabled that it broke it.

Thanks for everyone's help in the comments above :)

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