I am building a Drupal 7 site and need some help with my content strategy. One type of content I regularly work with are workshop/conference pages. Each workshop/conference may have one or more of the following (proposed content type in parens)
- The workshop/conference (book page)
- About (basic page)
- Registration (webform)
- Schedule (basic page)
- Lodging information (basic page)
- Transportation information (basic page)
The main benefit of this approach: we'll use a Book Navigation Block to have a menu for each workshop/conference sub-page.
However, I see several disadvantages:
- Two different workshops/conferences may require unique "Lodging Information" pages. Drupal won't let me title two different pages "Lodging Information" even though each belongs to a separate book. I could name each specifically, like
- "Lodging Information Conference FOO 2013"
- "Lodging Information Conference BAR 2013"
- "Lodging information Conference BAZ 2013"
- Thinking long-term. . . Let's say in the future our site documents dozens/hundreds of workshops/conferences. The drop-down to select Book parent pages could get excessively long. If we don't stick with a good naming convention, this could be a bit overwhelming for content contributors.
- I don't like the Book navigation helpers near the footer of every parent/child page (table of contents on parent, previous/up/next buttons on all children pages). Editing the core Book module seems like overkill to remove this functionality. Perhaps there's a better way?
Using the Book Module brings up more questions than answers. Is a the Book Module the best approach to implementing a workshop/conference page?