$rows = db_select('notification_queue', 'nq')
fields('nq', array('created_time', 'uid', 'notification_type', 'delivery_method','latest_time', 'earliest_time'))
->addExpression('COUNT(*)', 'count')
Does not work:
$rows = db_select('notification_queue', 'nq');
$rows->fields('nq', array('created_time', 'uid', 'notification_type', 'delivery_method', 'latest_time', 'earliest_time'));
I'm testing that something is returned with a simple foreach loop:
foreach($rows as $row) {
msg($row); //msg is a simple wrapper for drupal set message
The reason I need to do things the second way is that I have to use addExpression and it won't work if try and use it in the first way.
I've tried this:
$rows = db_select('notification_queue', 'nq');
$rows->fields('nq', array('created_time', 'uid', 'notification_type', 'delivery_method', 'latest_time', 'earliest_time'));
$rows->addExpression('COUNT(*)', 'count');
And I've checked that the resulting query is correct (it is, I've tried using it with MySQL directly and it does exactly what I want). However, I can't get access to the rows using Drupal.
What am I doing wrong?